Contact Us
Give us a call
Thank you for your interest in CSL Behring. We care about your questions and concerns. You can find the best way to contact us from the list below.
Customer Services
Phone: 01444 447 400
Email: customerserviceuk@cslbehring.com
Address: CSL Behring UK Ltd
4 Milton Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1AH
Media Contacts
Stephanie Fuchs
Phone: +49 (151) 5843 8860
Email: stephanie.fuchs@cslbehring.com
Address: Philipp-Reis-Strasse 2
65795 Hattersheim am Main
James Freeman
Phone: +1 484 832 9045
Email: james.freeman@cslbehring.com
Address: 1020 First Avenue
King of Prussia
PA 19406-0901
United States
CSL Limited (Investor Relations)
Bernard Ronchi
Phone: +613 9389 3470
Email: bernard.ronchi@csl.com.au
Address: 45 Poplar Road, Parkville
Victoria 3052
Adverse Event Reporting
Adverse events should be reported.
Reporting forms and information can be found at https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk.
Adverse events should also be reported to CSL Behring UK Ltd. on 01444 447 405.